Well, quite a bit of time has passed since the last post here. I suppose there's a lot to say, but perhaps I'll cover most of that in the next post. This post is just intended to explain, in some way, the three images above.
They are the first images of a project that's been sitting around for a while (and was originally conceived to be a book, of sorts, with a narrative strung from random Craigslist posts. But the idea of stitching them together seemed to undermine the deeply personal nature of some of these posts - all of which are taken from the Missed Connections listings - so I decided to let them sit alone. Another important part of that decision was to include the actual contact information. I felt it was appropriate that these images still function as postings, but nonetheless abstracted to highlight their earnesty [which is not a word, apparently, for some worthless reason]). So if anyone replies to one of these ads, please don't tell them you found it through me, that will just get me involved and turn this whole shmeboble into a messs. But please, if you think one of these is a Connection you may have Missed, please, be encouraged to respond. And there will be more to come.
All the postings above are w4m, but that'll change. I'm looking through the whole spectrum of MCs, these just happened to be the first to stick out to me. This kind of thing has been done before, but it seemed like a good idea to get in on the fun...